This is a good thing. Photography= love.
Today I share with you a peek into my Gramma's domain. Even though she was looking at me weird while I was traipsing around her house taking these pictures. Sorry Gramma!
Gramma was a red-haired hottie back in tha day...

This little green shoe is one of my favorite decor items at Gramma's house, total cobbler chic...

I don't recall the last time anyone used it (or ever used it??) but yes, it does get polished regularly...

My Gramma is a badass on the piano, she can wail like Little Richard on the keys...

Gramma has amazing taste in lighting fixtures...

These 2 plaques have been hanging in my Gramma's kitchen as long as I can remember...

Silver teapots and sheer and lacy curtain-age, that's how my Gramma rolls...

I'm feeling that green shoe. It's funny, the things you fall in love with in your Gran's decor. Your Granny's tastes seem to be very nice. My free-wheeling, say-it-like-it-is Granny's tastes...were bad news. She had the ceramic clown-cactus-pot on the kitchen window sill with the cactus that grew up and out of his pants in the most disturbing way, and the dipping thirsty bird thingie that would dunk it's beak in water over and over, and a kitchen witch with her booty showing, and for some reason, a plastic wind-up, brown and white horse that still runs when you wind him, even today. You have to thump his butt. I know, he's in *my* window sill now. (I didn't want that horny clown.) I also got her rolling pin. It's wooden, and in the cracks, you can still see her biscuit flour. *sigh*...Graaaanny. She was the greatest. One day I'll regale you with Granny's soliloquy about nipples and penises, and how they're all made of the same type of skin...but I'll spare you that fiesta of knowledge this day. ~Randi
Hahaha, your Gramma sounds hilarious. I wish my Gramma had that kind of sense of humor! But no. My Gramma is very fussy about her house. VERY fussy. Like, if I put the groceries away slightly one inch off center on the shelf, it's an issue. It's such fun... :|
My Mom was like that, when I was growing up. Truth be told, she still scrubs things people will never see (which is okay when it's your body, but weird when it's your HOUSE)but now she sees that it was hard to be a kid in her freakishly clean house. And of course, I grew up and rebelled. My can relaxxxxx in my house. We gots dirt. Not a lot, but enough to make you feel at ease. Here's to your new place...and you can put your groceries on the counter all harem-scarem ANY TIME YOU WANT! ~Randi
Yeah.... you know it's bad when my idea of a rebellious act of wanton rebellious-ness is mis-aligning the cans of soup in the cupboard, ooooooh rebel!!
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