There are these really great old vintage-style lampposts in the park I live in, I love them... and the other night they were lined up perfectly as if leading to the fat shiny moon in the sky. Dreamy.
So as you can tell, I am totally wrapped up in my new place right now. I spent the week cleaning, packing, painting, & preparing and I spent my first night here on Thursday (after a 16-hour-long day of moving!!) And laying my head down and going to sleep inside the box-filled, messy cocoon of my very own place was exciting, scary, disorienting, exhausting & thrilling all at once.
There is still a ton of work to be done- tiling & painting the living room, then bringing in the rest of the furniture- but for now I have a habitable space to live in and it's awesome. I am sort of roughing it, though... the gas is not hooked up yet, so I'm cooking on a hot plate and taking ice cold showers, doing it campground stylee, at least til Monday when I should have the gas connected. Also cable is not hooked up to the TV yet so I have been watching DVDs at night, and damn, I have a lot of zombie movies. All of which I have been watching so it's been like a little zombie flick marathon over here!

It's cool to look around and see some of my stuff scattered around, even in this chaotic state. And I've got my computer hooked up and internet connected, so my lifeline is intact.

My bedroom is the most 'finished' room so far, as the floor and the paint is done, and I've moved furniture in. Of course everything is all mismatched because I am working with purely donated stuff right now... as far as stuff like that goes, and curtains and linens and all that I have some nice things, only they are in storage still. So I've got this insane sort of color non-scheme going on at the moment ha. But at least it's comfy and cozy!

It's nice to surround myself with things that remind me of people that I love. The side tables belonged to my sister, and she also gave me the beautiful red lamp for my birthday one year. An angel and a wooden chest that are sitting on the tables were given to me by my Grandmother. The angel is a reminder of my Mom, the chest used to hold my Gramma's letters & keepsakes when she was very young, now it holds my jewelry.

And I also got the bathroom in my bedroom painted, tiled & cleaned up. It doesn't look like much yet but just remember how atrocious it was before... *shudders* I look forward to my first HOT shower in it! :P

So me & the critters are getting settled in and are happy in our new home. I'm so so exhausted, I have scrubbed and cleaned so many little nooks, crannies, and surfaces that I feel like I am getting to know every square inch of this place-literally! It's taken days just to get to the point where I can eat, sleep, shower and move around comfortably, and still lots more work to do, but it's a good kind of exhausting. And it's so very quiet out here at night, peaceful and still. I am loving it so far.
I haven't been able to do much online than a quick scan of emails and such, I've been super busy and then, super tired! Trying to catch sleep when & where I can. So if I have been MIA that is the reason why. But hopefully I'll get things in hand soon, and get back to my regular life & online routines. I'm looking forward to the housewarming party! *grin*
Sorry I will miss the housewarming, but I am very happy you are starting to settle in.
Doooooooooooooooood. Looking good! I am *so* proud. :) I wish El Paso weren't so El Far-o. ~Randi
Uhm, could I borrow that ladder? Nice place!
Great progress!
House warming party hey? I'll be in Houston in two weeks, but it seems like El Paso is rather a distance from there still! Who knows though... I do hope my little something has reached you by now too. :)
Moving is the worst - isn't your significant other helping out?
Threw my back out moving in 2002. I collect - among other things - hard jazz/swing 78's (if you don't know what 78's are, ask your grendmother - she can probably attest to what I have to say next concerning those babies - all made of shellac and HEAVY!). I was hauling in a milk crate full of 'em, twisted wrong and I was down for the count and bedridden for 4 full days. Luckily, only two 78's were broken in that little mishap.
Moved with nobody to help, then - I feel your pain, trust me. LOL
That said, once you've finished tying up all the loose ends, putting your own stuff up & about and settling in, it'll definitely be all the more satisfying.
Here's hoping the moving part is over soon so you can settle in, get comfy and relax in your own kingdom. :D
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